
About Quite Clever Quotes

“You may be assured, Sir, that the good opinion of honest men, friends to freedom and well-wishers to mankind, where ever they may happen to be born or reside, is the only kind of reputation a wise man would ever desire.” – On June 20, 1788, George Washington wrote these words in a letter to Edward Pemberton, an English politician.

QUITE: To the greatest extent, complete, exceptional.
CLEVER: Mentally quick and resourceful, inventiveness, skill.
QUOTES: Repeated passages from a source.

Who will find QuiteCleverQuotes.com useful:

  • Students
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  • Raconteurs and Anecdotists
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  • History buffs
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  • Everyone and anyone who wants to learn!

What QuiteCleverQuotes.com is all about explained by quotes:

“Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go; keep her; for she is thy life.” – From the Bible. Old Testament book of Proverbs 4:13.

“The chief part of learning, as Locke has observed, is to attempt but a little at a time. The widest excursions of the mind are made by short flights frequently repeated; the most lofty fabrics of science are formed by the continued accumulation of single propositions.” – Samuel Johnson or Dr Johnson as was his pen name, was an eightteenth century literary figure. He was the son of a bookseller and he is best known for compliling the Dictionary of the English Language.

“The more you study, the more you will find out you don’t know, but the more you study, the closer you come.” – By Cozy Cole. William Randolph “Cozy” Cole was a drummer. He was a jazz drummer for Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton, Cab Calloway, and others.”

“As long as you live, keep learning to live.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger (better known as Seneca) was an Ancient Rome philospher.

“Mingle a little folly with your wisdom; a little nonsense now and then is pleasant.” – Horace (Latin full name Quintus Horatius Flaccus) was a great Roman lyric poet.

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding.” – From the Bible. Old Testament book of Proverbs 4:7.

“Be led by reason.” – A Greek proverb.

“Not being what we ought to be, the most desirable thing is that we should become what we ought to be as fast as possible.” – Herbert Spencer. Spencer was an English philosopher who was among other things a biologist and an anthropologist. He is famous for coining, “survival of the fittest.”

“Keep company with those who may make you better.” – An English saying.

“Always leave them wanting more.” – George M. Cohan. Cohan was an actor, songwriter, and a musical comedies producer. On May 1, 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt awarded him the Congressional Medal of Honor.